Cholla Cactus Garden, California

Total Distance: .25 mile
Elevation Gain: 12 feet

Trail Type: Loop
Difficulty: Easy

The Hike: Believe it or not, this is considered to be one of the most dangerous hikes in Joshua Tree National Park. Commonly referred to as the “Jumping Cholla” or “Teddy Bear Cactus” the Cholla Cactus is anything but cuddly. In fact, it’s been known to “jump” onto people passing by and its spikes are near impossible to get off skin once they attach.

Despite the danger, this hike is super peaceful and easy as long as you can stay away from the prickly branches. Sunset is when things really come alive as miles of Chollas seem to glow with the evening sun.


The Details: Drive down the scenic Pinto Basin Road towards the middle of the park until you see signs for the Cholla Cactus Trailhead. From there, simply follow signs towards this short but scenic trail.

Read all warning signs before starting your hike, and watch for bees in the hottest summer months as swarms tend to hang out around the trailhead.

Gear: For this hike, we recommend bringing along the Summer Day Hike Essentials, depending on the season.

*The information in this article is for planning purposes only. Actual trail conditions may vary depending on environmental factors. It is always advised to get the latest trail information from a park office or ranger before you begin your hike.


The Gunnison Route, Colorado


Star Dune, Colorado