Alum Cave Bluffs, Tennessee

Total Distance: 5.1 miles
Elevation Gain: 1,125 feet

Trail Type: Out-and-Back
Difficulty: Moderate

The Hike: Hiking to Alum Cave takes you high above the trees and gives you some of the best views within Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The trail starts by bringing hikers through a stunningly beautiful old growth hardwood forest with a stream running through the trees. As the trail begins to climb, it crosses the scenic Walker Camp Prong and Alum Cave Creek, and winds up a rustic staircase through the famous Arch Rock. Hikers are soon brought up to the top of a “bald” ridge line covered in low lying Mountain Laurel and Rhododendron bushes, with views stretching for miles.

The “Cave” is actually more of an impressively tall cliff with a substantial overhang. It provides excellent shelter for hikers caught in the summer rainstorms that frequent the area.


The Details: Begin by parking at the Alum Cave Trailhead on Newfound Gap Road. This trail is one of the most popular in the park, so it is recommended to either hike early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds and ensure parking.

The first 1.3 miles of the trail to Arch Rock are smooth and gentle. After climbing the rustic staircase through the rock, the trail starts rapidly ascending up to the cave. After spending time at the cave, retrace your steps back down to the car.

You will be going high into the mountains on this hike – it pays to pack a light packet in case it’s colder at higher elevation.

Gear: For this hike, we recommend bringing along either the Winter or Summer Day Hike Essentials, depending on the season.

*The information in this article is for planning purposes only. Actual trail conditions may vary depending on environmental factors. It is always advised to get the latest trail information from a park office or ranger before you begin your hike.


Ricketts Glen Falls Trail, Pennsylvania


Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania